Help Ban Pesticides

The House of Commons Environment Committee's May, 16, 2000 report to Jean Chretien's Liberals demanded immediate and drastic reform to legislation on pesticide use. In its Executive Summary, the committee's chair, Charles Caccia (MP for Davenport), states clearly and concisely "The protection of human health and the environment must be paramount under the new legislation".

Pointing to the many studies that document links between compromised health and pesticides, Mr. Caccia echoes the grave concerns of researchers: "Pesticides are known to play, or are suspected of playing, a role in a myriad of diseases and developmental abnormalities, including cancer (brain, breast, stomach, prostate and testicles), childhood leukemia, reduced fertility, damage to the thyroid and pituitary glands, lowered immunity, developmental abnormalities and behavioural problems". He further notes the extraordinary impact these chemicals have on young children and the unborn child.

To this end, CanadiansAgainstPesticides (, along with the authors of this report, strongly recommend the immediate phase out of all lawn/garden chemicals, pesticides and herbicides on residential/commercial, park and municipal areas where the sole function of the application is cosmetic. CAPS further demands a plan for immediate phase-out of all Agricultural Pesticides to be relaced by organic practices.

We, therefore, ask that you join in the fight to eliminate these products by faxing, emailing or writing Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Health Minister Allan Rock, Environment Minister David Anderson, Agriculture Minister Lyle VanClief and your local MP to ensure that swift, comprehensive and progressive legislation is enacted to protect human health from the disastrous effects of pesticides. Please send the message that HUMAN HEALTH MUST COME FIRST

Letters to all MP's can be sent to:
House of Commons, Parliament Bldgs
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA6
Mail Prime Minister Chretien:
Langevin Block 80 Wellington St.
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
CONTACT EMAIL Telephone Commons Fax
Prime Minister Jean Chretien 613 992-4211 613 941-6900
Health Minister. Allan Rock 613 947-5000 613 947-4276
Env.Minister. David Anderson, 613 996-2358 613 952-1458
Agriculture Minister Lyle Vanclief 613 992-5321 613 996-8652
Visit for a complete House of Commons contact list - all MP emails & fax numbers

Visit the CAPS Website at:

Email us at Or call CAPS (613) 225-3673